Now what? Hhmmm? Padme! Who? Luke and Leia's ma. Still don't know? Not a Star Wars fan I guess. More on that saga on a later blog. The actress who played Padme also won an Academy Award for her role in Black Swan (2010). She also stars in a weird, different kind of sci-fi picture called Annihilation (2018). Her name is Natalie Portman. The male lead in this week's movie is Jean Reno. Wait? Is this another movie about New Yorkers in New York with non American actors in leading roles? Even Gary Oldman is English (1). Another film like this is The Drop, week 4.
Oh, did I forget something? The selected recommend film of the week is, Leon: The Professional (1994). A different kind of love story.
(1) Lawless, week 187