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Welcome to My Movie Blog!

Posted Weekly From a Movie Buff, Sort'f weekly...

 With so many films released over the years, it's hard to sift thru all that's out there. So, a few suggestions of what's out there that most have forgotten about, or never heard'f. Some I've even forgotten about. I try to avoid the obvious films. I try anyway. I choose weekly because most people only have time for one or two films a week. So, as you can see, there's now over a 300 offerings and more on the way. That's well over 5 years of moving viewing. I only recommend the ones I've seen. No synopses (spoilers), just a short little description. All of them are good, highly rated by me and others. Read on, and enjoy. Er, I mean watch and enjoy!

Post List: Welcome


From this one book nine films have been made.


A titular antihero...

The Two 50 Ninth

Is there more to life than just wanting to go to the island?


The fantasy world of the comic book page...


And they are fun to watch...

223 Nautical Miles South

"This is either madness... or brilliance." "It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide."

Blog Week 192...

All I have is an old radio with a broken antenna.

Post List: Blog2
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