Anyone heard'f Fast Eddie? Know where he is? I'm looking for a game. Yea, I was lookin' for a Paul Newman film to watch and pulled this one out. But, you can't just watch the one without the other. So, how 'bout a pool hustle double Eddie Felson feature? Yea, he got hustled. But, he did get to return the favor. To, um, someone called Vince. Played by, um, Tom Cruise. Oh, that hair. Both films adapted from novels by Walter Tevis with the same names, 1959 and '84. So, this week's selections will be The Hustler (1961) and The Color of Money (1986). If you've never seem them, there's more to these than what takes place on the felt. They combined for 13 Oscar nod's with Paul winning a Best Actor. And a Best Film Award from the British Academy.
'Ah, I'm back!'