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Semaine de Blog Deux Cent Cinquante-Cinq

Updated: Oct 29, 2021

Another Hitchcock classic time. Yes! It's based the 1902 French play Our Two Consciences by Paul Anthelme. Now, there is a rumor it took 12 writers eight years to get the script right for Hitchcock and Warner Brothers. This includes changing the lead actress to Anne Baxter. Montgomery Cliff plays Father Logan who has a bit of a past and a little problem currently because of it. Also, because of his current occupation, his little problem gets a little worse. Which leads to everyone's favorite San Fransisco Detective, Karl Madden (1), called in to investigate. The backdrop for the movie is actually Quebec City in Canada. And this week's recommendation is I Confess (1953).

(1) The Streets of San Fransisco, 1972-1977

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