For this week the selection will be a comedy classic sci-fi thriller known as Demolition Man (1993). Don't worry about the title, he is a cop. And yes, I said classic. Have you not seen it lately? If you went to see this when it originally came out and have not seen it since, it's more funnier today. It only came out a generation ago. Did you catch yourself singing one of the 'tunes'?
Sylvester 'Demolition Man' Stallone (1), Sandra 'Fluid Transfer' Bullock (2) and Wesley 'Blondie' Snipes (3) star in this week's sci-fi classic comedy recommendation.
'He doesn't know how to use the three seashells!?'
'John Spartan you are fined one credit for a violation of the verbal morality code!'
'The exchange of bodily fluids? Do you know what that leads to?'
(1) Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Saga. You, you didn't know that?
(2) A Time to Kill, week 151
(3) Blade Saga, week 148