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Blog Semaine Deux Cent Quatre-Vingt-Treize

Updated: Nov 19, 2022

The next selected adventure film for this blog was directed by Billy Wilder. It stars Jimmy Stewart (1) pretending to be a pilot. Well? He was an Army Air Corp pilot during WWII and he is pretending to be Charles Linbergh in the movie The Spirit of St. Louis (1957). A little story about the first trans Atlantic flight. Um, how much does a fly weigh? The Fly Problem...

"Now, I don't propose to sit on a flagpole or swallow goldfish. I'm not a stuntman; I'm a flier." Linbergh...

"You came all the way from Philadelphia?" Linbergh.

"I had to. You needed my mirror." Mirror Girl...

(1) The Stratton Story, week 90...

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