Without any effort and with no trail and error, I developed a rating system. It's fairly simple;
The Obvious Ones: Basically, it means 'What do you mean you've not seen it yet?' For the 'real' movie buff, they are the must see's. The films most everyone knows. That's why I try not to list them. Examples;
Citizen Kane, 1941
The Godfather Saga
True Grit, 1969 (the original)
A few that made my Blog;
The Apartment, week 2
Avatar, week 182
Star Wars, week 50, (the original movie name)
Witness for the Prosecution, week 29
Unforgiven, week 101
The Recommendations: Simply, those movies I deem worth watching multiple times. That's why I'm recommending them in this blog. Here are my Favorites from my blog...
My '10 best' listed at IMDB.com
The Mentions: They are those worth watching once. I've mention them in my blog because I enjoyed them.
Now, there are a few places where I suggest a movie exist but don't list its name. That's the 'Not Worth Watching the First Time' rate.
And then there's the 'I Didn't Finish'. 'Nough Said.
And these are just my opinions...
The below pic is also a 'must see'... If you have to ask?
